Wesley Methodist Church Amsterdam
RSIN/tax number ANBI::
Contact details:
Tel: +31 61 997 4556
Kuiperbergweg 12, 1101 AG Amsterdam
Mr. K. Mensah, Chairman
Mrs. Anning, Secretary
Dhr. C.Y. Osei , Treasurer
Policy plan:
Our aim is to proclaim the Gospel in an effective way. This is achieved through Weekly Bible studies, seminars, conferences, and various meetings in order to shape growth towards congregational spiritual maturity.
Remuneration Policy:
On a voluntary basis
The activities of the Congregation Wesley Methodist Church Amsterdam consist of the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the broadest sense of the word. Teaching and helping the congregation to have personal relationship with God.
Church activities:
- Organizing various meetings to proclaim the Gospel.
- Organizing special activities for Sunday school children, Youth Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship, Men’s Fellowship, Church Choir and other Singing groups.
- Organizing seminars and Marriage Counseling.
- Providing pastoral care primarily to the congregation of Wesley Methodist Church Amsterdam.
- Giving social care and advice to members in need within the Wesley Methodist Church as well as local residents within the Amsterdam Southeast community.
The incoming cash flows of Wesley Methodist Church Amsterdam
The incoming cash flows mainly consist of the following:
1. The Sunday Service Collection/Offering.
2. Special Thanks-offering (birthday, etc.)
3. Monthly donations (Tithes & Pledges etc.)
4. Annual End-of-year congregational Fund-raising.
How the assets are managed and spent.
1. Paying the Mortgage of the newly acquired Church Building.
2. Welfare Donation to Church members who are sick and in need of help at home.
3. Church members who, for any reason, cannot provide for their basic needs.
3. Car costs, insurance, gasoline costs.
4. Bank charges.
5. Energy costs.
6. Youth and Children costs (organizing children’s events and activities)
7. Church expenses, such as literature, and books.
8. Office Expenses.
9. Church Assessment – contribution to the Holland Mission Circuit financial management
10. Donations to Charity.
The assets are managed by the Finance committee.
Financial report:
2021 Financial Report (254 downloads )